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In 1793, a Methodist Society was formed in Portsmouth under the direction of Rev. Lemuel Smith, an early circuit rider.  They met at the home of Matthew Cooke, which was located under the present-day Mount Hope Bridge.  This first house of worship was dedicated by two famous early church leaders, Bishop Francis Asbury and Rev. Jesse Lee.


Though the small congregation was composed primarily of farmers and fishermen, struggle and hardship did not prevent the society from growing.  In 1795, the members purchased a home on Turnpike Avenue.  They used this house of worship for over 40 years until they began to outgrow it.


In 1838, the congregation purchased a lot in the middle of the developing town for $102.50.  The new church was constructed for a cost of $2020.00 and was dedicated on December 25th of the same year.


The Ladies Benevolent Society was formed in the 1870s, and they immediately paid off all debt.  Because of their continuing efforts, the Parish House was built in 1921.  The third and final phase of construction connected the 1838 sanctuary to the Parish House in 1969.


Today we are part of a dynamic congregation with members from every age group and all walks of life.  Because of the commitment of our members, we were able to pave and expand the parking lot in 2005 and renovated the Youth Group room in 2007.  Through our worship, fellowship, prayers and service, we strive to expand God’s earthly kingdom by teaching Biblicial Truths.


Find Us

2732 East Main Road

Portsmouth, RI 02871


Mailing Address

P.O. Box 265                               

Portsmouth, RI 02871


Phone Number


Church Secretary’s office hours:  9 Am to Noon.  if you need to contact us you may leave a message on our voicemail and we will return your call as soon as we are able.




Worship Times

 Worship Services and Sunday School are now being held both in person and by using ZOOM.  Look for Meeting IDs by email or call the office for details.

Saturdays at 5:00AM - September 9 & 23

Sundays at 10:00AM

Sunday School: During Church Service starting October 1st


Upcoming Events

Johnny Appleseed Day - Sunday, September 24, 2023 - following service - Please bring your favorite apple treat to share


Church Work Day - Saturday, September 30, 2023 - 8am-12pm - Please join the Trustees as we spruce up the church for the fall. We have interior and exterior projects that need to be done. Many hands make light work!



Trustees - First Tuesday of the Month, 7pm in the Parlor

Finance - Second Tuesday of the Month - 7pm via Zoom

SPRC - Third Tuesday of the month - 6pm

Church Council - Third Tuesday of the month - 7pm

Worship - Last Sunday in the Month after Worship




Open Hearts... Open Minds... Open Doors


We are united by God's Love

Motivated by the Holy Spirit

Committed to walking with Christ


Our Church has been Serving, is Serving, and will be Serving our Community with Faith in Christ that comes from the Bible and Christian Love.


(401) 683-4005


2732 East Main Road
Portsmouth, RI 02871



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© 2022 Portsmouth UMC

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