(401) 683-4005
2732 East Main Road
Portsmouth, RI 02871
Worship Time:
Sundays @ 10:00AM
Sunday School:
During Church Service
Our Mission: To Live our faith in ways that will bring people to Christ by worshiping God, growing in faith, reaching out, and serving others, in order to build a community that continues Christ’s earthly mission.
Our Church has been Serving, is Serving, and will be Serving our Community with Faith in Christ that comes from the Bible and Christian Love.
For Pastoral Care ___Call Pastor Yuseong Kim at 857-707-6084
NEW BIBLE studies coming soon. Please check back for updates.​
SUNDAY SCHOOL - Children go out for Sunday School following the Children's Message during the service
Worship at 10:00 am every Sunday.
Upcoming Events:​​​​​​​
Time Capsule – we are collecting items for the time capsule that will be opened in 2088. If you have something that you would like added please give it to Chris Farley
Blessing Bags – The Missions Committee will be putting together “Blessings Bags” in January. When you see someone that could use a little blessing, you can give them one of these bags. We will be collecting new socks, gloves, granola/protein bars, juice boxes/mini water bottles, ChapStick, snacks, beef sticks, candy, deodorant, wipes, etc. There will be a donation box in the hallway.
Valentines for Veterans – we will be making Valentine’s Day cards for Veterans during Coffee Hour on Sun, Feb 2.
Souper Bowl Sunday – we will have a Soup & Sandwich luncheon following the service on Sun, Feb 9th. We will also be collecting non-perishable items for the Aquidneck Food Pantry.
Trustees - First Tuesday of the Month, 7pm in the Parlor
Finance - Second Tuesday of the Month - 7pm via Zoom
SPRC - Second Tuesday of the month - 6pm
Church Council - Third Tuesday of the month - 7pm
Worship - Last Sunday in the Month after Worship