(401) 683-4005
2732 East Main Road
Portsmouth, RI 02871
Worship Time:
Sundays @ 10:00AM
Sunday School:
During Church Service
Our Mission: To Live our faith in ways that will bring people to Christ by worshiping God, growing in faith, reaching out, and serving others, in order to build a community that continues Christ’s earthly mission.
Our Church has been Serving, is Serving, and will be Serving our Community with Faith in Christ that comes from the Bible and Christian Love.

Our Missions

Community Meals
PUMC's Community Meals ministry reaches out to the community to help homeless and food-insecure adults and children of Aquidneck Island. This ministry provides God's love through our volunteers who prepare and distribute meals and much-needed daily living essentials with compassion.
Learn More
Brown Bag Sunday
​Brown Bag Sunday is a combined project with the Sunday school and the Missions Committee. The Sunday School children decorate brown paper bags and distribute them to the congregation. The bags are returned full on the Sunday prior to Thanksgiving. At that time, the Missions Committee sorts and distributes the food. In 2018, 11 families received our gifts of love at Thanksgiving plus 13 brown bags were given to Martin Luther King Center. We also gave $35 gift card to go for the perishable items such as turkeys and fresh produce. It is a thrill to see the faces of the recipients if you are lucky enough to be the one to deliver the goods. Names and addresses are kept confidential.

Down East Mission Wreath Project
These are fresh, high-quality, hand-made, fragrant Balsam Fir wreaths from Maine. 24” wreath (door size) decorated with a traditional red bow for $24. A true ‘taste’ of Maine for the holidays! Wreaths delivered to PUMC the Sat. after Thanksgiving. All proceeds benefit the church. Contact Beth Velzis or the church office with any questions.

Rope of Love
​In October, our church participates in the Rope of Love project. One of our members contacts the local schools to determine how many coats are needed. Tags may be selected by members of the congregation, giving the size and sex of the child. Coats are returned and hung on our rope of love that is hung from the railings leading into our sanctuary. In previous years as many as 36 coats were distributed to needy children in Portsmouth. Deadline for this year’s donations is Saturday Nov. 28. Due to Covid-19, drop off procedures are different this year. Please call the church office for details.

Giving Tree
​At Christmas, needy families receive wrapped gifts to brighten their holiday season. On the first Sunday in Advent, a Christmas tree is set up decorated with brightly colored tags, listing the wishes of several needy families. Church members select a tag and purchase and wrap the requested gift and return it to church in the middle of December, so that they can be delivered before Christmas.
Thanksgiving Dinner
Started in 2008, the church hosts a Thanksgiving dinner for anyone in the community who wishes to break bread together and share fellowship on this special day.
Due to Covid-19, the FREE Annual Thanksgiving Dinner sponsored by the Portsmouth United Methodist Church will be slightly different this year. Same delicious turkey dinner with all the fixin’s, only it will be by “drive-through” pickup between 11 AM and 2 PM Thanksgiving Day instead of eat-in. All procedures for preparing the meal will comply with the State of RI Health Department regulations.
Reservations for the meal ARE REQUIRED by calling 401 683-4005 or 740 277-9424 by November 22. When you call, you can select a time to arrive and get a pickup number so that the number of meals packaged and brought to your car will be correct. You may choose the type of pie (pumpkin, apple, pecan or blueberry) for dessert during the reservation process. Be sure to make your reservation early as only 100 meals will be available.
Please be advised that the food prepared for the meal may contain: milk, eggs, wheat, soybean, peanuts, or tree nuts and is not gluten-free.

Flower Ministry
Each week during the summer, volunteers deliver flowers to those who are hospitalized or in a care center. These flowers are grown in the Community Garden and arranged by some of the garden’s volunteers. This ongoing ministry brightens the lives of those who receive these special deliveries.